5 thoughts on “A Picture of the Church (16)

    • Agreed.

      I don’t think there is much hope in the “restoration of America.” It’s not as if our hope of salvation hinges on a presidential election.

      But abandoning this misplaced hope in America is no cause for fear, for our King has told us, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” We are strangers here. We are not asked to preserve a crumbling kingdom. . . in fact, as the earth is spiraling towards its destruction, we should rejoice because its end ushers in a new age in which Jesus reigns as King. Maranatha!

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  1. I think 1Tim 5:22 should give a Christian pause regarding selecting a person to represent them: “Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thereby share responsibility for the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.”

    Our God who “removes kings and establishes kings” (Dan 2:21) is quite up to the task without my input or assistance.

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  2. I don’t know…


    I gotta check either “A” or “B”???

    A. Caligula

    B. Nero


    Are you sure there’s not a “C” option???

    Come on! St. Paul voted for Nero….

    Didn’t he?

    I thought he was a proud Roman citizen.



    I vote “A”…. but I really long for the good old days when you could count on an emperor…. god bless Octavius, may his star ever shine! and god bless Rome!

    Oh… wait a minute Toto… we aren’t in Kansas anymore.


  3. If I were serving as an ambassador to a foreign country I may offer advice on behalf of my King, but it remains the hosting nation’s responsibility on how to govern itself. As Christians we extend the Gospel of our own King, Jesus. More involvement than this and I would be getting “entangled in civilian pursuits.” Most certainly there is a place for government and for people to participate in it, but what should we as Christians be busying ourselves with? How should our lives be used? We could either be used as a vessel of honor, ushering in the Kingdom, or used as a vessel of dishonor, enforcing morals and flushing the toilet of the world’s evil. (Referencing 2 Tm 2:20-21.)


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